Saturday, March 17, 2007
Days Go By
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Melbourne International Motor Show
Of all the car manufacturers this is the only exotic car brand, I don't like, I don't have a reason for that but I never liked Ferrari, it's really hard to get used to the idea Ferrari makes performance cars, as a car lover I'm supposed to like Ferrari, somehow this black beauty stole my heart. It's a spyder.
Very shy and cute Mitsubishi girls, presenting 380, Love this car.
Very nice lighting effect, car exterior blends with it and makes a dreamy display, probably the best display work. It's a lexus IS.
Opel Astra, very decent brand of all time. They never over perform and make headlines and never under perform and go out of business.
All in all the whole experience was definitely worth the 13 dollars I payed to get in, wished Skyline concept and the Ford GT was on the show, and there were rumours Toyota was gonna unveil its Supra concept, but Supra myth got just another year older, that was it, maybe we'll not see another Supra for the next 10 years, it's already 14 years since the last model. Maybe next year they will unveil the secret, no matter what car lovers like me will always wait to see that marvel and sigh in content to see the car that they never can afford to buy.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Beauty or the Beast?
It sure was not the easiest decision to make, leaving all the loved ones, friends, my career... now I'm in melbourn australia, sharing a house with four guys I never knew before in my life, they treat me and help me a lot, but i can't help my mind from wandering through all the walks I once did, all the joys all the betrayals, it was life, home.
But this sunny clean country gives me so much to look forward to, lot of opportunities. The reason I'm blogging today cos i got a new phone yesterday, unfortunately I cannot use my old phone, the dark beast, with the chip, i have to use the new free phone, the mystical beauty. It sure looks nice, like a little iPod with music functions pulled out. Hoping to do a lot of clicking in the coming years, but for now I'm getting used to the ways of my new home.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Vote for "Fallen" at JPGMAG.COM

Ceylon Kennel Club 100th Anniversary

..... best companions slacking off, of course...
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Nature - "Fury"
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Still Life - "Pawn"

Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Panorama... my first try
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Trip to Kukuleganga
This is Makeliya waterfall, we drove 9 kilometers from our resort, and got to this beauty around 5 in the evening,

This is a nice sunset wrapped shot on our way to the waterfall,
Friday, January 19, 2007
Digital Dark Room in High Dynamic Range
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Before.... After

Monday, January 15, 2007
New cam, Old tripod and a lot of Hard earned skills
Finally cleaned up and hooked up my father's old tripod with my cam and got some decent iconographs. This is the first time i used the RAW format, its pretty neat, you can do a lot of post processing with that, only problem is that after about 50 shots you have to unload your CF card, the stored pics are seriously bulky. I can really use my graphics skills here, adapting to Photoshop from CorelDraw is not easy, so I'm using both, even though i was doubtful in the beginning and wanted to fully convert to Photoshop, now it seems there are still a lot CorelDraw can do that Photoshop has to improve or add and vise versa.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Fotolia accepted one of my pics for their stock

Submitting two pics and waiting for almost a week, finally , today i got the mail from fotolia that one of the two images i submitted have been selected. This is a kind of photography i'm seen a future in, Stock Photography.
The photo was taken at Lili's place on the 31st night, evethough it looks as if its a night sky shot, its actually a night ground shot. Use your imagination!
Thursday, January 11, 2007

Words have failed me many a time, when i needed to describe a feeling, incident anything, words have a weird way of losing the true meaning of so many things, so here i am an aspiring Photo blogger and a true novince to Photography, but deep down inside i always had the yearning to own a proper camera, someday and capture everything i enjoyed once and preserve the true gravity and meaning of every moment forever, so here i begin my picture life...